Top 10 Benefits of Dropshipping

By Luke Angelo

Top 10 Benefits of Dropshipping

In this blog we take a look at Dropshipping, and how you can make money online with your own dropshipping store! Globally, the dropshipping market was estimated to be worth £116 Billion Pounds in 2019 and is forecasted to grow rapidly over the next few years. Increased manufacturing capacity will lead to lower production costs, and you can source quality products at the click of a button.

Who Are Angelo Web Design

We are a professional web design agency based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. Our team have experience building dropshipping stores on the Shopify platform. We can help you setup a dropshipping site, source products, and get your business up and running! Contact us to find out more!

Benefit #1 – Small Setup Costs

Setting up a dropshipping site is very affordable, and will cost a lot less than a traditional ecommerce startup. You can use a platform such as Shopify to get your website up and running. Their hosting plans start at around £20 a month for smaller stores. Once you have purchased your domain and website, you will just need to find a reputable supplier.

Benefit #2 – Huge Range of Suppliers

With dropshipping you have a huge range of global suppliers to choose from, helping you source quality products at a low cost. The wholesale platform Alibaba has over 50,000 suppliers from around the world. You can easily establish relationships with suppliers in China and other regions. If you do your research you can find the perfect supplier for your business and target market.

Benefit #3 – Global Target Market

Many suppliers offer global shipping options as part of their service. You can get accurate prices for shipping to any country around the world, and you can plan your business model around these shipping costs. With dropshipping it’s possible for a company in the UK to sell to customers in the USA, Australia and Asia simultaneously. Your supplier will arrange all the logistics for you, saving you a large amount of money.

Benefit #4 – Unique Products

Dropshipping allows you to sell unique products which you might not find on the traditional high-street. If you browse through wholesale sites like CJDropshipping you can find innovative products, which you may have never seen before. You can strategically choose your products, and put together a wide range on your website.

Benefit #5 – A Scalable Business Model

Scaling your dropshipping business is easy. You don’t need to invest large amounts in logistics and shipping infrastructure. As your business expands you can spend more money on advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads, to target a larger audience. You can focus on the marketing aspect without worrying about manufacturing or buying a bigger warehouse. This means the sky is the limit for your dropshipping business!

Benefit #6 – Free Resources and Advice

There are thousands of free videos on YouTube which teach you about Dropshipping and how it works. Having this wealth of resources means you will never get stuck, and you can learn more about the dropshipping business model for free. Some dropshipping entrepreneurs offer courses too if you want a more in-depth learning experience, and you can find other resources on Google.

Benefit #7 – Integration With Shopify

Shopify has loads of useful tools for running your dropshipping store. It can help you fulfil orders and notify your suppliers when an item needs to be shipped. You can reduce the amount of admin work needed, and manage your online store in seconds. Shopify also has useful sales insights, and it can be integrated with platforms like Facebook Ads. This means you can track your conversion rate, and check if your ad campaigns are returning a profit.

Benefit #8 – Potential For Growth

After establishing a successful dropshipping site, you could even take the leap into renting a physical warehouse. You could use the same suppliers to order in bulk to your warehouse, and ship the products yourself. Dropshipping can help with the initial establishment of your brand, and creating a customer base. It can be a perfect stepping stone into a larger business model.

Benefit #9 – Build Ecommerce Experience

Having your own dropshipping store is a great way to build experience with ecommerce. You can learn about managing an online store, and how to make it successful. These business skills can help you in your future ventures, and dropshipping can be a really fun experience.

Benefit #10 – Easy To Find A Niche

With so many products to choose from, it’s easy to find your own niche. For example you might decide to sell Pet Bedding. Having a specific niche increases your chances of success, and it means you can spend your advertising budget more efficiently. You can target people who are interested in a specific type of product using Facebook Ads. Social media marketing makes it easy to target the right people, and you don’t need to spend huge amounts on market research. You can target specific groups like pet owners with the click of a button.