Google Advertising Agency in Huddersfield

Step into a world of digital excellence with Angelo, your premier Google Advertising Agency, where we turn clicks into customers and visions into victories.

Google Ads Management

Welcome to Angelo’s Google Ads Management service, your gateway to unlocking the full potential of Google’s advertising ecosystem. With a team of seasoned experts, we craft and execute tailored Google Ads campaigns that drive targeted traffic, boost conversions, and maximise your return on investment.

Whether you’re looking to increase brand visibility, generate leads, or skyrocket sales, Angelo is dedicated to delivering results that matter. Let us take the reins of your Google Ads strategy, so you can focus on what you do best – growing your business. Start your journey to digital success with Angelo today!

Why Choose Angelo?


With a seasoned team at the helm, you gain access to a wealth of expertise and insights that can transform your online presence. We’ve weathered the evolving landscape of the digital world and have the agility to adapt to new trends and technologies.

Personalised Approach

All of our marketing services are designed to solve problems in your business and help you grow. By getting to know your business and its vision, we create a marketing strategy which is the right match.


We dare to be different and think outside the box. By creating eye-catching designs and captivating copy, we get eyes on your business and get people talking. Our aim is to make your brand unforgettable, and stand out from the rest.

Our Google Advertising Packages

We offer a range of Google Ads packages tailored towards different budgets. All packages are paid for monthly, and you have the freedom to upgrade or discontinue your services after each month.

Bronze Silver Gold


Per month


Per month


Per month
Campaign Setup
Google Conversion Tracking
We setup Google conversion tracking on your website, so we can keep track of key numbers like cost per sale.
Audience Research
We research your target market, and what your customers are searching for on Google.
Keyword Research
Relevant keywords are researched, and we analyse the competition and average cost per click for your most important keywords.
Competition Analysis
We analyse your main competitors and how they advertise on Google. This enables us to pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses.
Monthly report on your advertising performance
At the end of each month, we send you a detailed report on your Google Advertising performance. This contains all of the key figures, and includes what return you are getting on your advertising spend.
Ongoing management & optimisation for
Each package includes a different number of ads. The Ultimate Package is a great choice if you're looking to run a large number of ads simultaneously.
Up to 3 search ads Up to 6 search ads Up to 15 search ads
Setup for
Our team setup your ads on Google, each package includes a different number of ads.
Up to 3 search ads Up to 6 search ads Up to 15 search ads
Conversion Rate Optimisation On Your Website
Behind every successful ad campaign is a great website. When someone lands on your site, the sale still hangs in the balance. Your customers need to be impressed when they land on your site, and take action. In our Ultimate Package, we optimise your website for higher conversions.
8 hours a month
Zoom Meetings
Meetings are important for everyone. They help us share ideas, advice and keep you updated on your Google Ads performance.
Monthly Monthly



Per Month

Bronze Package

– Campaign Setup
– Google Conversion Tracking Setup On Your Website
– Audience Research
– Keyword Research
– Competition Analysis
– Monthly report on your advertising performance
– Ongoing management & optimisation for up to 3 search ads
– Setup for up to 3 search ads



Per Month

Silver Package

– Campaign Setup
– Google Conversion Tracking Setup On Your Website
– Audience Research
– Keyword Research
– Competition Analysis
– Monthly report on your advertising performance
– Ongoing management & optimisation for up to 6 search ads
– Setup for up to 6 search ads
– Monthly Zoom Meetings



Per Month

Gold Package

– Campaign Setup
– Google Conversion Tracking Setup On Your Website
– Audience Research
– Keyword Research
– Competition Analysis
– Monthly report on your advertising performance
– Ongoing management & optimisation for up to 15 search ads
– Setup for up to 15 search ads
– 8 hours a month of Conversion Rate Optimisation On Your Website
– Monthly Zoom Meetings

* Please note that the packages above are excluding ad spend (the money you pay directly to Google for advertising). That amount is up to you, and we are able to set a daily budget for ad spend on your account.

Recent Projects

283% Return On Ad Spend – Modern Language School

Google Search Ads (PPC)

Why You Need A Google Ads Agency

Working with Angelo, a leading Google Ads agency, offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly elevate your online advertising efforts. Our team consists of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in Google Ads management. By entrusting your advertising campaigns to Angelo, you tap into a wealth of knowledge that can drive superior results.

Managing Google Ads campaigns can be time-consuming and complex. With Angelo, you can offload this responsibility, freeing up your time and resources to focus on other crucial aspects of your business. We don’t offer one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we tailor strategies to align with your unique business goals, target audience, and budget. This personalised approach ensures that your advertising efforts are laser-focused on achieving your specific objectives.

While Google Ads can be a highly effective advertising platform, it can also become costly if not managed properly. Angelo’s expertise in budget optimization and cost-effective bidding strategies ensures that you get the most out of your advertising budget, maximising your ROI. In summary, collaborating with Angelo, a trusted Google Ads agency, can be a game-changer for your business. Our expertise and dedication can help you not only navigate the complex world of Google Ads, but also achieve outstanding results that drive growth and success for your brand.

Our Google Ads Process



With every new Google Ads client, we undergo a thorough onboarding process. At the start, we take time to understand your business and its current situation. We analyse your current marketing strategy, identifying strengths and weakness. We then discuss your current target market, and narrow that down into more specific target audiences. Relevant keywords are researched, and we analyse the competition and average cost per click for your most important keywords.


Campaign Strategy

Next, our team put together a full campaign strategy, tailored towards your budget and goals. We plan who your ads will be targeted at, and what ad text will be used. We also plan how your budget will be spread across different ad sets. Following our keyword research, we put together a comprehensive list of keywords which will be targeted.


Ads Launch

Finally, we launch your Ads onto Google. During the initial phase, we experiment with different ad text and targeting, to see which ones generate the best results. You are given regular updates, which include all the key figures like cost per sale and conversion rates. We continuously monitor your ads’ performance, making real-time adjustments to optimise for better results. This ongoing refinement ensures that your campaigns stay effective and competitive.

Client Testimonials