Website Brief

PetMe is an online booking platform for Pet Services. It allows Pet Owners to book services online, such as dog walking and dog sitting.

The client approached us with their idea, and asked us to develop the platform to their specifications. The site needed to have in-depth listing functionality, like Airbnb.

Launched January 2024

Services Delivered

WordPress Website


PHP Development

Our Solution

To begin with, we conducted several meetings with the client so we could fully understand their vision for the platform. A full technical brief was created, along with a project timeline. We understood it would be a long term project, and carefully planned each stage of development.

At the start, we created visual prototypes for the site using Adobe XD. These were further developed following client feedback.

Next, we began developing the site using the WordPress platform. Intensive development was carried out using PHP and MySQL, to create the backend functionality of the site.

Each business on the site must be individually vetted by an external organisation – the DWSA. We created a bespoke portal for the DWSA, where they can logon and review applications and documents from businesses. They can then choose to approve or reject applications.

We were proud of the final product, and the site met all of the unqiue technical requirements. It provides a great platform for both pet professionals and pet owners. Each type of user is given a unique dashboard and can make their own journey on the site, just like hosts and guests on Airbnb.

Are you looking to develop something similar but don’t know where to start? Contact us to get a quote and project proposal.

Damarni Shakeil